Wow! SLRevolved Is Back Under a New Name!

Today is a glorious day for the GameDexterity team. We have found out that team SLRevolved is back on their feet, and now under a new name called SLRevolvedGaming. They even gave a shoutout on their video to say that GameDexterity was NOT involved with their former Youtube site, which is very comforting to our ears.

How about that for clearing your name! If you want to see a success story, this is it. If you have a youtube account and you love gaming material, check out channel SLRevolvedGaming and subscribe to them! Thanks!

Posted on January 28, 2011, in News and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Congratus…
    ya your team is mile stone

  2. grats bro!

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