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How To Play PS1 USB Games on Modded PS2 Using Popstarter


3-24-16: Initial release.


Hey guys,

So recently I finally got the time to do a proper popstarter USB video. If you are not familiar with Popstarter, basically what it does is when you have the proper files, you can play your PS1 games via USB on the PS2 that is modded (can be modchip or FMCB) and the game compatibility is very high. See the video tutorial at the end of this post for exact process details. But in a nutshell, the process is as follows:

  1. Get the all the correct software from Assemblergames: Link
    1. The software is Cue2Pops v2.0 along with the gui program
    2. Get the stable and beta version of popstarter.
  2. Extract Cue2Pops program into its own folder. Extract the GUI program and put that into the Cue2Pops root folder.
  3. Get the PFS_WRAPS.BIN file from the WIP 05 zip file and extract that to the desktop.
  4. Get the POPSTARTER.ELF file from the WIP 06 zip file and extract that to the desktop.
  5. Format a USB thumb drive or external hard drive as FAT 32.
  6. Create a “POPS” folder without quotes on the root of your FAT 32 usb device. Inside this “POPS” folder, put the PFS_WRAPS.BIN file in there. You also want another file called “POPS.PAK”. Use google to find it, or check out this boring link here.
  7. Now find a PS1 game that is a .bin and .cue file extension. Run the CUE2Pops gui program, give it the input file of the .cue, and the output path should be your POPS folder on your usb device. Convert it over.
  8. Now take the POPSTARTER.ELF file from the desktop, and put that into the root of your usb device (or in a folder), and name it like this without quotes “XX.nameofgame.elf”.  For example, “XX.Marvel vs Capcom.elf”.
  9. Now eject the hard drive, plug into the PS2. Turn it on, navigate to Ulaunchelf and then go to your MASS drive and run the .elf file for your game. If all done correctly, the game will load and you will have a good time! Enjoy!

Video Tutorial:

How To Connect Playstation Dual-Shock Controllers to PC

1-15-10: Initial release.
9-13-12: Fixed video link.

Do you have a spare Playstation 1 or Playstation 2 controller? Did you ever wish you could connect it to your PC to play your Emulator or possibly PC games?

How is it done? Easy! You have to go and purchase a Playstation to PC adapter, and these adapters are fairly cheap, especially if you go online. I bought mine from Amazon before X-mas last year, and after shipping the total was under $5 USD!

How it works is you connect the Playstation controllers to the adapter (1 or 2), and then you connect the USB to the PC. No driver download required! The one I got works great on XP and Windows 7.

Watch the video tutorial below and see what you might have been missing.

[How To] Play PS1 (PSX) Backups on Fat/Slim Playstation 2 (v9 and above)


12-26-09: Initial release. Be prepared to be happy. (Will add more as time goes on for sure.)

7-2-10: Added new note about sensors blocked.

11-24-10: Fixed link for download.

8-14-12: Fixed link for download.

8-15-13: Fixed link for download.

Foreword: This tutorial shows the user how to play PSX backups on the fat or slim PS2 version 9 and above. Please note that this is meant only for legitimate PS1 (PSX) backups. I do not support piracy, nor is this tutorial meant for piracy means. – Versatile


The PS2 is a great console. After 9+ years, it is still going strong. With the new $99 price point, more and more people are getting the PS2 to play old school PS2 games. What better way to breathe more life into your PS2 than to play your precious Playstation 1 games?  Why not backup those PS1 games, so you can enjoy the backups on your PS2 without destroying the original PS1 games?  This guide is based off of Free McBoot implementation.

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