Category Archives: Torrents – A List of Latest Open Private Trackers

Picture of Home Page
1-5-12: Initial release.

This past week I was randomly browsing the Internet doing some research for my own knowledge, and I came across a nice blog called, which is essentially a blog that has the latest news and updates about what private trackers has limited open registrations.

If you are not familiar with private trackers, it is essentially websites that have torrent files for a variety of things, but to get into these websites can be very hard. By this I mean you got to be invited.

if you don’t know anyone who is a member of these private sites, you can never get in…unless there is open registrations!

So to help ease the pain, this blog has a frequently updated list of open private trackers. If you are looking for one to get in and see what you can find, give it a try!

Use Twitter To Discuss Torrents

Twitter is torrent-friendly thanks to BitTorrent’s Torrent Tweet, an app you can add to torrent client uTorrent to organize Twitter discussions about individual torrents.  With this app, individual torrent files are given hashtags that can be searched on Twitter, like this one.

BitTorrent VP Simon Morris said:

The point of Torrent Tweet is to adapt the powerful referencing system built into BitTorrent to the incredible social interaction engine that Twitter has built such that people can have conversations about things they are downloading, and they can be sure that they are talking about the same thing.

Morris hopes that other torrent sites will adopt #bt hashtag as well, but how realistic is this idea in the first place?  The torrent scene is the home of a lot of illegal activity.  People in the torrent community do not want to risk being caught by making their actions obvious on Twitter.  Despite the risks, though, torrent discussion on Twitter has no end in sight.  Do a Twitter search for the word “torrent” and you’ll be very surprised by how many people are posting torrent links.

How to Use Btaccel(Cloud Bitorrent Client) and Optimize Firefox to Get Over 1GB Speeds For Your Torrent Downloads!

torrent switchfirefox_everywhere_15


*8/7/09- Initial release (more to come)

*8/14/09-stressed the fact that this great online bittorent client should only be used for legal downloads

Before this tutorial gets any deeper, I want to personally thank Hail for taking the time to write this tutorial, because I would have done it myself but I am so in love with Tunngle that I don’t have the time to work on this article.  Btaccel is for legal downloads only.  Freeware and shareware downloads are welcome. DO NOT USE this great sevice as a pirate of torrents.  Since we don’t want this great online bitorrent client disappear cause of the few that abuse it. Thank you and respect our wishes. ~ Versatile

The Underground’s rating of this great btaccel online client is definetly a 10 out of 10

In this tutorial I will teach you how to use this great online bitorrent client called btaccel and how you can get your torrent download speeds up over 1gbs.  Read ahead to learn how to never wait long again for the torrent you want…..

What is btaccel you say…

Btaccel is an online bitorrent client that downloads whatever torrent you want into their cloud servers much like a gmail account, which means that you can get a direct download once the torrent has been available.  Getting a torrent this way is alot faster because you no longer have to worry about getting seeds for a connection, it just tells you when the download is available to you.  Better yet btaccel will email you once your torrent is available for a direct download.

How do I sign up for btaccel?…

To use Btaccel all you need to do is register for an account(which is free) and login much like you would a normal email account. Go to and register for an account.  Now you may have to wait for a couple days to get an confirmation email so just be patient.  Then after using the confirmation email you’ll be able to login.  To learn more and register for a btaccel account click the link>         <Take me to>

Read the rest of this entry

[How To] Use Bittorrent – Utorrent


Update 4-5-09: Added another youtube video explaining Utorrent options more in depth.

I love Bittorrent.  Bittorrent is an extremely efficient method of using P2P technology to distribute files across the Internet to the masses.  This post is not a lesson on the technology behind bittorrent. Instead, I am going to show you what you need and how you can start finding software (among other things) on the Internet.  Please note that Bittorrent itself is a legal medium, but the content that you download with Bittorrent may not.  This is a tool, and I am not held responsible for how you use it.


Need a Bittorrent client.  I recommend utorrent.  Find it at

Get the latest version.  After installing it, it will look like the screen shot below:


Now afterwards you need what is considered a Torrent file.  This is a small 1kb file that tells your Bittorrent client how to download the file.  If you go to and search for Ubuntu, you will see many links.  I happened to find a link and download it off of


After you add it to your torrent client, the file will start downloading.  Once the file finishes downloading, you can then decide what you want to do whether that is install the program, or burn it to a disc.

What is important to achieve faster Bittorrent speeds is to enable the ports on your router.  For a good guide on this, go to and find the utorrent guide for your router.

When you go to the speed guide in Utorrent, you can specify a manual port:


To see a video of this in action, watch my video below for a quick tutorial on how to setup yourself for Bittorrent usage and port forwarding.


Below is another video going into some of the other utorrent options.


Mininova, 4 Years Young Today

Another milestone today for a pretty badass torrent site.  Did anyone remember Suprnova when they used to be good?  Well, I did.  Unfortunately, Suprnova was taken down, and mininova was born instead.

Since then, Mininova has been growing very fast, similar to the Pirate Bay.  If you are a huge torrent person, then mininova is no stranger to your toolbox.

Do you have a torrent site that you recommend besides Mininova?  Let us know!

Happy Birthday Mininova, 4 Years Young Today | TorrentFreak.

Demonoid – Help Improve The Underground Process


The post that gives me the most trouble here on the Underground is everyone asking for an invite code.  Almost every frickin’ day someone comes along and asks, “Hey, can you give me an invite?”

Or “How about me too?” After a while, the google spreadsheet was born.  In the beginning, I had faith that people had good will and would enter in their names and be done with it.

This worked well, except I quickly realized I had no control.  Were there spam bots?  How did I know people weren’t just typing in a bunch of fake email address or what?  Hence, I decided that I had to control the spreadsheet myself.  By having people enter in their requests through the comments, I am able to update the spreadsheet.

How does the Versatile1 system work with invites?

I will tell you how it currently works and what is the process:

1)  E-mail people the “test” email.  What I do here is I have a pre-written script that I just copy and paste to people.  It has very specific instructions in there, and I tell people to respond to me as soon as possible.  The e-mail contact is then added to a temporary demonid category list.

2) If people respond, I send them invite.  If people don’t respond within a week, I go online to the google spreadsheet and mark them as “EPIC FAIL ACCOUNTS”.

3)  For those people who I sent an invite, I ask them if it works.  If it does, I add them to the official “Demonoid” category mailing list.

4)  Once or twice a month I send out a mass email to the “Demonoid” mailing list asking for invites.  It works in a sense I get a crapload of invites.  Then I start the circle all over again and sending test emails.  If not enough people respond, I have a bunch of expired codes.  That is no good!

So now the new method is on the master e-mail list, I ask that people who can generate codes respond to me, but don’t send me any codes yet.  I will collect a pool of active participants, and ask them to send me invites one by one.

This way I can distribute invite codes on demand, whithout having to get stuck in a situation where I have more codes on the verge of expiration than participants.


The point of this post is to get feedback from you guys.  What do you think is a better method of doing this?  Any thoughts?  For now the system works fine.  I’m cleaning up my mass e-mail list and adding flair to my test email.  If there is anything else I should be considering, let me know.


[How To] Open Ports on Linksys Router for uTorrent

Someone has requested a tutorial be done for uTorrent to unlock higher speeds. Well, I have a Linksys WRT54GS router, and I can’t possibly cover all the different router configurations out there. However, this site can help explain all the different configurations:

I have found the guide for my router, and have posted it down below. If you need help identifying your router, just look at the bottom of the router and it will have the model number.


Before we can forward ports for Utorrent, we need to figure out what ports Utorrent is using. Here is a brief walkthrough on how to do that. Go ahead and open up Utorrent.

Click Options in the menu at the top of your screen. In the list that drops down click Preferences.

Click Connections on the left hand side of the Utorrent program. You should now see the menu shown in the screenshot above. Make sure the Enable UPnP box is unchecked. The number in the Port Used for Incoming Connections box contains the port you need to forward. You can change the port number, if you want to. Please enter the port you chose into the box below.

Utorrent’s Port for incoming connections

To setup port forwarding on this router your computer needs to have a static ip address. Take a look at our Static IP Address guide to setup a static ip address. When you are finished setting up a static ip address, please come back to this page and enter the ip address you setup in the Static IP Address box below.

Do not skip this step!

Please enter the static ip you want to forward to:

Open a web browser like internet explorer or Netscape. Enter the ip address of your router in the address bar of your browser. In the picture above the address bar has in it. Just replace all of that with the ip address of your router. By default the ip address should be set to

You should see a box prompting you for your username and password. Enter your username and password now. By default the username is blank, and the password is admin. Click the Ok button to log in to your router.

Click the Security link near the top of the page.

Remove the checkmark from the Block Anonymous Internet Requests checkbox.

Click the Save Settings button near the bottom of the page.

Click the Applications & Gaming link near the top of the page.

You should now see a new menu. In this new menu, click Port Range Forward.

Port Range
Application Start End Protocol IP Address Enable
uTorrent 6112 To 6112 Both X

We will list a series of lines here that will show you exactly how to forward the ports you need to forward. Utorrent requires you to forward the ports you entered above. Go ahead and enter the settings shown above into the Port Range Forward menu.

When you’re finished, click Save Settings near the bottom of the screen to save your changes.

And that’s it! You’re done!


EZTV – TV Torrents Online

Well, people like to torrent things. Lots of things. But how do most people get TV shows? Obviously, this is going to be a short post. But no doubt, you will like this. You can torrent this stuff at EZTV


We do not support downloading illegal stuff by the way.

Alternatives To Demonoid

Since Demonoid is down, once again… *sigh*… I, Voltaire, want you to know where to go to get your torrents.

There are some hot options like the top public torrent site, The Pirate Bay , Mininova , Isohunt , TorrentPortal , as well as others.  As for private trackers, I would check out AradiTracker .

However, my favorite is Torrent Search Engine Searcher. Yes, long redundant-sounding name. Heres the deal: Its a search engine that uses the search engines of many other torrent sites. Its real name is TorrentScan. All I will say is you can access The Pirate Bay, Mininove, Isohunt, and many other popular torrent sites from this site.

Happy Hunting!

What Is P2P?


What exactly does P2P mean? Well, it’s only the best thing ever invented. P2P stands for Peer to Peer. This is the fastest and most widely used way to transfer files over the internet or a home network. Recently, P2P has been used to download media such as movies, programs, music, pictures, or even books. It has been recorded that about 85% of all internet bandwidth is being used for ‘illegal’ downloading from a P2P network. But how exactly does P2P work?


P2P, is usually thought to run off of a centralized server containing all of the media being downloaded, but oh contraire. P2P uses only client based nodes, simply put, you are in another persons computer. The P2P software you are using simply allows you to ‘share’ the media you would like others to be able to download. For example, in LimeWire, you can share a folder by choosing Tools>Options>Sharing.

(Click for a larger view)

From here, you can share any folder on your hard drive. These files then become visible to anyone searching for a file currently on your computer. They are then able to download this file directly from your computer over the internet.


With torrent clients, all you have to do to share a file, is to let the download finish, but DON’T delete the torrent, let it sit and allow others to upload, or take that file off of your computer(otherwise known as ‘seeding’)


(Click for a larger view)

As for security, the only real threat is the well know viruses that bored computer geeks make in their spare time 🙂 . When downloading a file from ANY P2P network, I would recommend reading all comments about the selected file, or looking at the size. If you see the size of a selected movie to be 123.4KB, think again. How could a 2 hour long movie be that small? This is a trick which most noobs fall for. I have had numerous friends have their computers completely screw from doing this.

And as for the legality of this, you decide. I will tell you my opinion in a further post!

If you have any further questions, please comment and I WILL comment back!

